تفاصيل المشروع
Russian Pool Remediation Project
DS3 North Rumalia
600,000 m2 with 12m depth
تم الانتهاء من:
Degassing Station 3 (DS3) is located approximately 1.2km west-north-west of the DS1 / ROO North Rumaila office complex at coordinates 721885 3384425 (Appendix 1). The Russian Pool is a produced-water holding area located approximately 700m south-west of DS3 (coordinates 721100 3383930, Appendix 1). Until recently the Russian Pool received produced water discharges from DS1 and DS3; these have now ceased. Tank drain discharges of approximately 60m3/day are ongoing and will cease by 31/12/2014. The Russian pool will subsequently be emptied of water and oil and the land will be remediated.
Bawabet Albasrah have transferred 1.5 million of crude oil from Russian pool to the BOC terminal. BBC has pumped substantial quantities of water to the Dammam area using the latest technology in pumps and pipeline network.
Bawabet Albasrah extracted all the contaminated soil completely from the Russian pool and was sent for treatment. The total quantity of contaminated soil was reported as 180,000m3.